This review is going to be more like a rant than a review because I have so much to say about this book and I don't know where to begin. This book is NOTHING LIKE TWILIGHT so please do me the favor of not letting other reviews stop you from enjoying all the experiences this book has to offer. I feel like readers are no longer reading books with an open mind and it truly saddens me. Reading is not about comparing which series is better its supposed to be an escape from reality a chance to explore the impossible. Evermore is the type of book that is meant to be read over and over until the binding is destroyed because of its complex themes and complicated storyline. It is so much more than a romance. THEY ARE NOT VAMPIRES...THEY ARE IMMORTALS!!! They have the ability to live forever but can still be killed. The emotion in this book was so raw and pure it make me feel hopeful and grateful that not all hope is lost for teen literature. A great book that also has great references to the BAND EVANESCENCE who is making a come back for the first time in 4 years!!! with their self titled cd coming out October 11!!!!! Its exciting because I'm hopeful that teens will be able to escape from the over played pop crap that the radio plays and fall in love with the music that saved my life during my adolescent years. I truly believe with all my heart that this is the series i have been waiting for!!!!